Ladies Tonic(Tsimi)/Made with Ficus Bark/Pomegranate Peels/Herbs..


Ladies Tonic also known as Tsimi in northern Nigerian language is a versatile drink known for it’s tons of benefits.
Brides to be, married women young or old don’t joke with this drink. This is because it may help a woman gets rid of any ailment that would hinder her from enjoying her sex life. From constipation, to hemorrhoid, to infections, to dysentery, to hormonal imbalances and many more.

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Ladies Tonic also known as Tsimi in northern Nigerian language is a versatile drink known for it’s tons of benefits.
Brides to be, married women young or old don’t joke with this drink. This is because it helps a woman gets rid of any ailment that would hinder her from enjoying her sex life. From constipation, to hemorrhoid, to infections, to dysentery, to hormonal imbalances and many more..

A bride to be usually drinks this tonic few weeks before her wedding to get her body cleansed & prepared!!!!

Ladies Tonic may cleanse the system, rejuvenates it, and it activates sexual libido in her and wetness. It’s a complete detox package and a natural aphrodisiac as well. We added pomegranate peels to it for added detox and health benefits.

Ingredients are:
Ficus sycamore bark, Myrtus(myrtle) herb, pomegranate peel, ginger, cloves and jaggery and raw honey sweeteners.

A 1/4 cup should be taken just once daily. Can be taken consecutively until it’s finished or alternatively just to see how your body tolerates it!

Package would be sent frozen so it can keep it from fermenting before it gets to you.
Make sure it’s refrigerated.

Do not use if you are pregnant.

***statements made about the benefits of our products have not been approved by the FDA.***

Additional information


8fl Ounces, 16fl Ounces, 32fl Ounces, 64fl Ounces


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