Ladies Honey | All Natural Aphrodisiac For Wetness,Sweetness & Pleasure


Ladies Honey also known as Zumar Mata in Hausa Native language is known for its effectiveness in enhancing a woman’s sexual life. It makes her wet down there, boots libido, makes intimacy pleasurable for both partners and it has other health benefits to offer.

It’s simply Raw Organic Honey and all natural aphrodisiac herbs.


Ladies Honey also known as Zumar Mata in Hausa Native language is known for its effectiveness in enhancing a woman’s sexual life. It makes her wet down there, boots libido, makes intimacy pleasurable for both partners and it has other health benefits to offer.

It’s simply Raw Organic Honey and all natural aphrodisiac herbs such as:

Fig tree bark(Ficus sycamore): This nourishing bark helps with regulating the female hormone and aids libido. Aside that, it helps regulate bowel movement, helps with infections, very beneficial in ancient medicine; from skin care problems to hair problems, even cuts and snakebites.

Tamarind: It’s choked full of immune boosting properties. It is a known fact that to be very active and wet as women, our immune system needs to be healthy.

Danbashanana: It’s a bark of a tree, brownish in color and sour in taste..
It enhances pleasure in women, makes her sweet and helps with her sex drive.
Only a little of it is added to its sour/bitter taste. But it’s very effective!

Dried Date powder: dates are rich in amino acids, which of course increases sexual stamina. Consuming the fruit itself can help treat sexual disorders because it is a natural

Jaggery: This is an unrefined sugar gotten from sugar cane, helps with Menstrual cramps, prevents constipation and cleanses the liver.
Our body's ability to fight infections and keep us healthy is greatly dependant on our immune system. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like; zinc and selenium, which help prevent free-radical damage and also boost resistance against infections.

Red potash: this helps to regulate the women thyroid gland which is an element that increases libido in women.

Other ingredients used are Ginger, Cloves & Of course Raw Honey :).

Just a tablespoon once daily is enough! You might not need it for a while as it lasts in the body but our body differs.

***statements made about the benefits of our products have not been approved by the FDA.***

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4fl Ounces, 8fl Ounces


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